How do I order statements?

You can order a copy of an up-to-date statement in Online Banking or at one of our cash machines. You can also order your previous statements by calling Telephone Banking or visiting a branch.

Statements are sent by 2 nd class post and should arrive within 5 to 7 days, as long as there's a normal Royal Mail service.

Your Online Statement will be uploaded 2 working days after the working day you have requested it.

You can order an up-to-date (interim) statement in Online Banking and going to ‘Service centre’, ‘View all online services’ then ‘Order’, selecting ‘Interim account statement’ and clicking on the Order interim statement link.

If you’re registered for Telephone Banking, you can call to order an up-to-date statement or a copy of a previous one. Personal customers – 0345 734 5345 * Premier customers –0800 924 7365 Business customers – 0345 605 2345