Get immediate access to a library of additional reports

As your business evolves and grows, so too do your reporting needs. We understand that it’s not always realistic to wait for the next Sage Intelligence update to get your hands on the reports that you need, when you need them. You may also not have the time to create a custom report that you need from scratch. It is because of this that Sage Intelligence is continually adding to a library of additional reports, created according to our customer feedback, available for you to access on an on-going basis. The Report Utility will allow you to select the reports you would like to download, and automatically imports them to your Report Manager module. All you need to do is download the Report Utility and follow the easy steps to select the reports you would like. These provide a great basis for you to build useful reports for your business, with minimal customization required.

Learn more about how to use the Report Utility >

Disclaimer: The Report Utility offers you free, downloadable reports that are compatible with the latest version of your Sage solution that Intelligence Reporting integrates with. While our expert report designers have tested these custom reports and every effort has been made to ensure that they are error free, they are created as a value-add and have not been subject to the rigorous quality assurance that the standard Sage Intelligence reports undergo. Therefore, no support is provided for these reports.