Scholars' Bank will be on a content freeze from 9/6 - 9/16 as we transition to a new & improved version. Minimal downtime expected on 9/16. Stay tuned for more updates!
Add definitions of automotive repair and heavy automotive repair and add them to the land use table so that auto repair is allowed in the CR and CG zones and heavy auto repair is allowed in the CG zone. _____
Stayton (Or.) ( Stayton , 2008-03-20 )To amend the Development Code regarding annexations so large acreage annexations will be voterapproved and small acreage annexations will be approved by ordinance.
Stayton (Or.) ( Stayton , 2012-02-08 )The amendment reduces the number of individuals that received a notice of decision following a land use proceeding. The code currently requires all property owners who receive a notice of the hearing also receive a notice .
Stayton (Or.) ( Stayton , 2012-02-08 )The amendment requires any unit in a mobile home park to receive a building permit, be installed in accordance with the Oregon Manufactured Dwelling Installation Specialty Code, and bear an Oregon insignia of compliance .
Stayton (Or.) ( Stayton , 2012-01-13 )13,500 square feet of land was annexed into the City, resulting in a change to the Official Zoning Map. The land is designated as Low Density Residential by the Comprehensive Plan Map and has been brought into the City and .
Stayton (Or.) ( Stayton , 2010-09-23 )The amendment: a. repeals the provision for legally nonconforming signs to be removed b. allows freestanding signs in the Downtown Residential Mixed Use zone c. clarifies the requirements for maintenance of signs in good condition
Stayton (Or.) ( Stayton , 2010-07-27 )Comprehensive Plan map and Zoning map amendment from Commercial Retail to Downtown Residential Mixed Use.